Thursday, May 13, 2021

Thinking activity:-Bob Dylan and Robert Frost

Hello readers....
This Blog is the part of my thinking activity in classroom. In this  blog I would like to talk about two American famous figures Bob Dylan and Robert Frost.
So firstly we throw some light on the some basic information about the both.
Bob Dylan:-
Bob Dylan is one of the most influential singer-songwriters of the 20th century, known for songs that chronicle social and political issues.
When he is not making music, Dylan has explored his talents as a visual artist. His paintings appear on the covers of his albums, Self Portrait (1970) and Planet Waves (1974), and he has published several books of his paintings and drawings, as well as exhibited his artwork around the world.
Notable work:-
Nashville Skyline”
“Blood on the Tracks”
“John Wesley Harding”
“The Basement Tapes”
“Another Side of Bob Dylan”
“Before the Flood”
“Blonde On Blonde”
“Time Out of Mind”
“The Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan”
2) Robert Frost:-
Robert Frost was an American poet who depicted realistic New England life through language and situations familiar to the common man. He won four Pulitzer Prizes for his work and spoke at John F. Kennedy's 1961 inauguration.
Robert Frost, in full Robert Lee Frost, (born March 26, 1874, San Francisco, California, U.S.—died January 29, 1963, Boston, Massachusetts).
Robert Frost was an American poet and winner of four Pulitzer Prizes. Famous works include “Fire and Ice,” “Mending Wall,” “Birches,” “Out Out,” “Nothing Gold Can Stay” and “Home Burial.” His 1916 poem, "The Road Not Taken," is often read at graduation ceremonies across the United States. As a special guest at President John F. Kennedy’s inauguration, Frost became a poetic force and the unofficial "poet laureate" of the United States.

Frost spent his first 40 years as an unknown. He exploded on the scene after returning from England at the beginning of World War I. He died of complications from prostate surgery on January 29, 1963.
“The Road Not Taken”
“The Death of the Hired Man”
“Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”
“Mending Wall”
“After Apple-Picking”
“A Boy’s Will”
“Storm Fear”
“Mountain Interval”
“North of Boston”
“New Hampshire”
Let's see my interpretation on this both questions which is given by our professor.

1)Which song of Bob Dylan has made an impact on you? Why? Can you find a song similar to the same theme in other language?
As we discusse further that Bob Dylan is one of the most influential singer-songwriters of the 20th century, known for songs that chronicle social and political issues.
So in his songs I like the most song is "Blowin' in the Wind".  It is ths Bob Dylan's classic 1962 protest song, has had a long, rich life as an anthem for causes from civil rights to nuclear disarmament. In this song, the speaker poses a series of huge questions about the persistence of war and oppression, and then responds with one repeated, cryptic reply: "The answer, my friends, is blowin' in the wind." Finding an end to human cruelty, the song suggests, is a matter of understanding a truth that's all around—but paradoxically impossible to grasp.
 I like this song because perhaps the song is suggesting that people need to think and perceive in new, freer ways in order to break out of their old patterns of war and violence. That this is a job both for humanity at large and for every “man” offers a grain of hope in the song as well: if individual people can think in novel ways and come to understand how the answer might be “blowin’ in the wind,” maybe an end to war, cruelty, and oppression is possible after all.we really think about it in deep way.
 If we look that in our rotinue life  many times does a person have to look up before they actually see the sky? How many ears does a single person have to have before they'll actually listen to other people weeping? And how many people have to die for that same person to understand that there's too much death in the world? The answer to these questions is just moving through the air, my friend, it's just moving thorugh the air.
We learnt that all things are happened but one thing we try to always keep in our mind is that just moving.

I find one Gazal to similar with this poem:-
āŠœીંāŠĶāŠ—ી:- āŠ•ુāŠļુāŠŪ āŠ•ુંāŠĶāŠ°િāŠŊા
āŠœીંāŠĶāŠ—ી āŠĪો āŠāŠ• āŠœંāŠ— āŠ›ે.

āŠ•ેāŠŸāŠēા āŠāŠĻાāŠŊ āŠ°ંāŠ— āŠ›ે.

āŠđાāŠ° āŠĻા āŠŪાāŠĻો āŠĪāŠŪે āŠ•āŠĶી,

āŠœીāŠĪ āŠđંāŠŪેāŠķા āŠļāŠģંāŠ— āŠ›ે.

āŠœીāŠĩāŠĩું āŠĪો āŠĄāŠ° āŠĻ āŠ°ાāŠ–āŠĩો,

āŠđāŠ° āŠ•્āŠ·āŠĢે āŠ•ેāŠĩો āŠ‰āŠŪંāŠ— āŠ›ે.

āŠļંāŠ•āŠŸોāŠĨી āŠđાāŠ°āŠķો āŠĻāŠđીં,

āŠ°ીāŠĪ āŠļાāŠšી āŠāŠœ āŠĒંāŠ— āŠ›ે.

āŠ›ૂāŠŸāŠķે āŠ āŠœાāŠĢ āŠĻા āŠĨāŠķે,

āŠ†āŠœ āŠķ્āŠĩાāŠļો āŠŠāŠĢ āŠĶāŠŽંāŠ— āŠ›ે.

āŠ°ોāŠœ āŠāŠĻી āŠœો āŠĻāŠĩી āŠ•āŠĨા.

āŠāŠœ āŠēાāŠ•્āŠ·ાāŠĻી āŠļુāŠ°ંāŠ— āŠ›ે.

āŠ•ંāŠŸāŠ•ોāŠĻી āŠļાāŠĨ āŠŦૂāŠē āŠ›ે.

āŠĪું āŠ…āŠ•ાāŠ°āŠĢ āŠ•ેāŠŪ āŠĪંāŠ— āŠ›ે.
In this gazal we find a theme of to flow like also we find same way in the song.

2.) Which poem of Robert Frost has made an impact on you? Why? 

Fire and Ice:-

Some say the world will end in fire,

Some say in ice.

From what I’ve tasted of desire

I hold with those who favor fire.

But if it had to perish twice,

I think I know enough of hate

To say that for destruction ice

Is also great

And would suffice.

 About poem:-
The poem is a work of eschatology—writing about the end of the world—and poses two possible causes for this end: fire and ice. The speaker uses these natural elements as symbols for desire and hatred, respectively, arguing that both emotions left unchecked have the capacity to destroy civilization itself.
 I like this poem because through the ice and fire poet represents the end of the world.Some people think the world will end in fire, whereas others think ice is more likely. in this poem we can find that speaker's experiences with desire, he or she tends to agree with those who believe fire is the more likely scenario. If the world were to end twice, however, the speaker feels that, based on his or her knowledge of human hatred, ice would be an equally powerful method of destruction—and would do the job sufficiently. It represents that fire is likely way for humanity to destroy itself and the world, the speaker also feels that human beings’ capacity for destruction is so great that it could bring about this destruction more than once. It's very intresting for me that ice” as another method for ending it all, aligning it with hatred. here is that the end of the world could be brought about by inaction rather than some singular major event.
One thing I really like that at the end of the poem the choice between “ice” and “fire” starts to seem a little false—particularly as the speaker’s tone is so casual and even glib .
I appreciate with poet that if have a choice what I selecte between ice and fire I also select the ice because Ice has connotations of coldness and indifference.
Thank you...

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