Thursday, December 3, 2020

post truth : The word of the year 2016

 This is something new word for us..its related with our life and also our political matters. this word is show our rational intellectual level.

Let's discuss about it:-
                           In 2016 the Oxford dictionary selected post truth as the "word of the year" and defined it as a term relation to or denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less influenced in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion  and personal belief.The proposed definition derives from philosophical observation of the new concept " post truth."
                       Only in 2016 against the breakdrop of the united states presidential elections and the united kingdom represents about withdrawal from the european union

Let's see some others writers view on post truth:-

1) It is difficult to speak the truth for although there is only one truth,it is alive and there for has a live and changing face.
                                                 -franz Kafka
2) when a thousands people believe some nude up story for a month that's fake news. When a billion people believe it for a thousands years - that's religion and we are admonished to call it fake news in order not to for the feeling of the faithful.
                                            -yuval Noah Harani
         Post truth include all political issues.others polition are gave a big promise to people and people believe and take decision in emotional level .
               We live in an unfinished revolutionary age of communicate abdunce networked digital machines and information flows are slowly but surely shaping practically events,institution in which we live our daily lives.
                   It is complicate our view of human behavior and to object to moral certainties that encourage black and white judgement about what's good and what's evil.
                      We can see that people believe and flows with lianess in politicians's fake news.if things are true but that their situtaion its fake but we know the true after the happening.
                         The extensive discussion on post-truth politics in past two years is suffering from a lack of shard conceptual understanding. Different authors use the term differently without acknowledging this existence of competing definitons.

What is post-truth politics?
It's very typical question for us. And its big major problem for our country in truth politics, I contend, ought to be understood as a predicament in which political speech is increasingly detached from the factual infrastructure.

This definition differs in particular from those that equat  post-truth with the "Death of expertise ". I also think must be much more precise regarding the role of emotions in the production of post truth. Defending truth might involve as much emotion as violating at.

Most potent examples of post-truth politics as a style available to individual politicians are instance in which outright lies about things that technically anyone could verify are used albiat perhaps not always consciously for varios political purpose towards both adversaries and  one's own  supporters.  

If we talk about Donald trump that he characterized by carelessness,shamelessness and numerousness. Many of his lies are misrepresentations of long-term processes in his own favor, false statements about media coverage, or lies about numbers - most recently about the number of victims of hurricane Maria in puetro Rico. When lies become prevalent enogh, the media and democratic audiance easily become disorianted,lose the basic corodinates that usually suport scrutiny.
The post-truth closely related to what Harry frannkfurt famously described as ' bullshit'. If we see that both forms of speech are indifferent towards the truth-value of statements, which distingushes them from traditional .

Post Truth Politics in India:-
Bjp's 2014 elections was largely based on the post-truth narrative that congress party has no contribution to independent india that during the entire period from independence to 2014. They only looted India as did the Mughlas and British. They started a hate campaign against congress leaders particularly of the Nehru Gandhi family, which continues Till date, maligning thier characters,integrity, personal life even death.we living in post truth world where ' alternative facts' replace actual facts, and feelings have more weight than evidence.yet post truth didn't begin with the 2016 election. The decline of traditional media and the rise of social media, and the emergence of fake news as a political tool, and we have the ideal conditions for post truth.
 post-truth is very intresting words. And politicians also use this very largely manner. See that picture that all the truth but they show in various view.Morden truth think that tharefore he. And post truth believe that yet he right.but truth is different that nothing like to be its just to liers work.

In nutshell we say that its very interesting word and also its full of wide information. In political field this word use in very major way.And last I would like to say that never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion and aginst injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world...would do this,it would change the earth. Don't bend; don't water it down; don't try to make it logical.

     Thank you...
 Characters :- 5428
 Words:- 840
Sentences:- 45
Paragraph :- 35

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