In this blog I talk about two most famous writers. One of is from Puritan Age and other is from Restoration Age.
Puritan Age :-
first we throw some light on Puritan Age:-
The period between 1620 to 1660 is known as the "Puritan Age", because during the period, Puritan standards prevailed in England, and also because the greatest literary figure John Milton (1608 to 1674) was a puritan.This age may be regarded as a second and greater Renaissance, a rebirth of the moral nature Of man following the intellectual awakening of Europe in the fifteenth and sixteenth century.
I would like to write about the famous writer of this age John Milton.
John Milton (1608-1674):-
Shakespeare and Milton are the two figures that tower conspicuously above the goodly fellowship of men who have made our literature famous. Shakespeare is the poet of impulse, of the loves, hates, fears, jealousies, and ambitions that swayed the men of this age. Milton is the poet of steadfast will and purpose, who moves like a god amid the fears and hopes and changing implies of the workd, regarding them as trivial and momentary things that can never swerve a great soul from its course.
Here, in a word, is the secret of Milton's life and writing. and when he specks it is like the voice of a prophet who begins with the sublime announcement, " The spirit of the Lord is upon me."
Born:- 9 December, 1608
Higher Education:- Christ's College, Cambridge
Signature :-
Milton was born on 9 December 1608. His father is lover of literature and art despite being a strict Puritan, due to which the child Milton received all the benefits of a cultured family. Milton got his education st.paul's school and Cambridge University. He remained 7 years at Christ college. He passed his B.A in 1629 and M.A in 1632. But even after completion of college,his regular and planned studies continued. His father wanted him to work in the church but he never accept from his conscious. He was not interested any business. His thinking are different so that's why he got engaged with poetry. In addition, Milton was proficient in Latin, Greek, Hebrew, French, Spnaish, and Italian, and obtained a familiarity with old English And Dutch as well.
During his period of private study, Milton composed a number of poems including...:-
1) on the Morning Of Christ's Nativity
2) On Shakespeare
3) L' Allegro
4) ll penseroso
5) Lysidas ( pastoral elegy)
In many of 1638, Milton began a 13 month tour of France and Italy, during which he met many important intellectual and influential people, including the Astronomer Galileo, who appears in Milton's tract against censorship, " Areopagitica."
In 1642, Milton returned from a trip into the Countryside with a 16 year-old bride, Mary Powell. Even though they were estranged for most of their marriage, she bore him three daughters and a son before her death in 1652. Milton later married twice more. Katherine woodcock in 1656, who died giving birth in 1658, and Elizabeth minshull in 1662.
During the English civil war, Milton Championed the cause of the Puritans and Oliver Cromwell, and wrote a series of pamphlets advocating radical political topics including the morality of divorce, the freedom of the press, populism, and sanstioned regicide. Milton served as secretary for foreign languages in Cromwell's government, composing offical statements defending the commonwealth. During this time, Milton steadily lost his eyesight, and was completely blind by 1651. He continued his duties, however, with the aid of Andrew Marvell and other assistance.
After the Restoration of the Charles ll to the throne in 1660, was arrested as a defender of the commonwealth, fined, and soon released. He lived the rest of his life in seculison in the country, completing the blank verse epic poem paradise lost in 1667, as wella as it's sequel paradise Regained and the tragedy Samson Agonist both in 1671. Milton oversaw the printing of a second edition of paradise lost in 1674, which include an explanation of 'why the poems rhymes not, Clarifying his use of blank verse, along with introductory notes by Marvell.
He died shortly afterwards, on November 8, 1674 in Buckinghamshire, England. Here I put one vidio for better way:-
Now we see his famous work 'Paradis List' :-
Paradise Lost is an epic poem in blank verse by John Milton. The first virson published in 1667, consists of ten books with over ten thousands line of verse.
A second edition followed in 1674, arranged into twelve books with minor revisions throughout. This poem is considered as Major work of Milton. And this poem also helped him Solidify his reputation as one of the greatest English posts of his time.
Paradise lost, which chronicles Satan's temptation of Adam and Eve and their explosion from Eden, is widely regarded his masterpiece and one of the greatest epic poems in world literature.since it first Publication,the work has contiusaly elicited debate regarding its theological themes, political commentary, and its depiction of the fallen angel satan who is often viewed as the protogonist of the work.
The epic has had wide- reaching effects, inspiring other poems, such as Alexander Pope's ' The Rap of The lock, William Wordsworth's prelude and John Keat's Endymion, as well as Mary Shelley's novel Frankenstein, and deeply influcing the work of Percy Bysshe Shelley and William Blake, who illustrated an edition of the epic.
Milton's purpose, as stated in Book l , is to " justify the ways Of God to men.
Restoration Age:-
The period from 1660 to 1700 is known as the Restoration period or the Age of Dryden. Dryden was the representative writer of this period. The Restoration of king Charles ll in 1660 marks the beginning of a new era both in the life and literature of England. It is the act of reparing or renewing something. An example of Restoration is fixing an old House to his original state. The chief lesson of the Restoration was this that is showed by awful contrast the necessity of truth and honesty, and of a strong government of free men, for which the Puritan and stood like a rock in every hour of his rugged history.
I would like to write a about the famous writer of this Age John Dryeden.
Dryden is the greatest literary figure of the Restoration, and in his work we have an Excellent reflection of both the good and the evil tendencies of the age in which he lived.
Life of John Dryden:-
Dryden was born in the village of Aldwinkle, Northamptonshire,in 1631. His family were prosperous people who brought him up in the strict Puritan faith, and sent him first to the famous Westminster school and then to Cambridge. He made excellent use of this opportunity and studied eagerly, becoming one of the beat educated men of his age, especially in the classics. Though of remarkable literary taste, he showed little evidence of literary ability up to the age of thirty. By his training and family connections he was allied to the Puritan party.
The son of a country gentelmen Dryden grew up in the country. When he was 11 years old the civil war broke out. Both his father's and mother's families sided with parliament against the king, but Dryden's own sympathies in his youth are unknown.
Besides being the greatest English poet of the later 17th century, Dryden wrote almost 30 tragedies, comedies, and dramatic operas. He also made a valuable contribution in his commentaries on poetry and drama, which are sufficiently extensive and original to entitle him to be considered,in the words of Samuel Johnson, as "The father of the English Criticism."
From the literary view point these last troubled years were the best of Dryden's life, though they were made by bitter by obscurity and by the criticism of his numerous enemies. He died in 1700 and was Buried near Chaucer in webministar Abbey.
After Dryden's death his reputation remained high for the next 100 year and even In the romantic period the reaction again him was never so great as that against Alexander Pope. In the 20th century there was a notable revival of interest in his poems, plays and criticism, and much scholarly work was done On them. In the Late 20th century his reputation stood almost as high as at any time since his death.
Dryden's work:-
1)Absalom and Achitophel
2)Mac fleknoe
4) Fables Ancient and Modern
5) Astrea Redux
6) The Indian Emperor
7)The Indian Queen
9)Of Dramatic poesie an Essays
This are his famous work. The numerous dramatic works of Dryden are best left in that obscurity into which they have fallen. Now and then they contain bit of excellent lyric poetry, and in All for love, another version of Antonym and Cleopatra, where he leaves his cherished heroic couplets for the blank verse of Marlowe and Shakespeare, he shows what he might have done had he not sold his talents to a depraved audience. Here I put one vidio for better understanding:-
In nutshell we can see that both Age are very important in English literature. In puritan age we have many writers to make our literature more powerful. The greatest writer of the Restoration Age is John Dryden, who established the heroic couplet as the prevailing verse from in English poetry, and who developed a new and serviceble prose style suited to ths practical needs of the age.
Words:- 1611
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